Trait Déco is definitely on TV a lot.
In the programme "Quel Temps", we had the opportunity to highlight our work: upcycling of office furniture, interior design, ecological building sites, ...
And our partnerships! Hi Recy-k.
All this against a backdrop of eco-responsibility, circular economy, sustainable development and recovery, all subjects that are close to our hearts and that make up the DNA of Trait Déco.
Circularity takes centre stage at Belgium Beer World
In this podcast, discover the world of work in our company Savvy Interior (Ex-Trait Deco)specialising in eco-responsible interior architecture and eco-design.
Don't hesitate to ask your questions via this podcast and to subscribe to to find out about the other interviews.
Focus on our Recy-K business incubator
This report on canalZ, presents our partner Recy-k, THE regional platform dedicated to the circular economy.
Recyk welcomes companies from all walks of life with one thing in common:
to develop a project that transforms waste into new resources. It was therefore obvious for Trait Déco to be part of it.
What a week!
It ends in beauty with a great report on Tipik - so we change, the activity of Trait Déco. Thanks to Gwenaëlle Dekegeleer and her wonderful professional team for their trust. Thank you to my family and my team for their commitment to this crazy challenge of the circular economy.
Focus on our operation "revalorization and distribution of office chairs" for work and school at home in good conditions.
We collected about 100 office chairs that were ready to be thrown away, but were still in good condition.
We are in the 1st issue of LIVELY, the webmagazine of the circular economy in the Brussels region is online >>.
Thank you Dan Sense for this great article, and for the picture of our Oslo armchair for sale on our online shop >>.
Our activity is :
- combining recycled and sustainable materials to produce furniture
- create eco-responsible developments in which to live.
We couldn't have come up with a better name than SAVVY = English word for wise, sensible, astute, cunning.